Assignment 6


Your freckles speckled all across,  your
soft skin that makes it feel like
Touching cats or clouds or cotton candy,

a Warm sensation.

it feels alive.
Although your being is filled with
endless holes,
    endless suffering,

You feel alive.
Mindless lingering.

An existence that seemed worthwhile
until it wasn’t any longer.

Now your golden complexion 
turns Black.
You’ve become a stone,
no longer the same,
just a Silhouette of the person
you were before.

As these thoughts loiter through my mind,
I wonder.

How can I   care for you,
    treasure you,
Respect you, When I

Tear you apart    

only to
Break you     and
    Consume you as a whole.



  1. I love the way you separated these stanzas. It looks pretty visually and when spoken out loud. I also love the slow switch in tone going from adjectives "cats, clouds and cotton candy" to " torturing, devouring, murdering." Maybe try reading it out loud to test different types of sounds in the overall organization of the poem? Overall, really good.


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