
What did I learn from this class?

I learned a lot actually! I never realized how much depth poetry has, and how everybody is able to write poetry. My preconceived notion of poetry was that you'd have to always have a deep meaning behind each word or phrase, and that if the poet's intent did not get across to you, it is because you aren't poetic enough. Now I realize how wrong I was, as poetry is a very fun and expressive form of art, where the audience is actually the one who can decide for themselves the meaning and interpretation of the poet's words.

I also didn't realize that poetry had many different styles! I knew beforehand about the ABAB, AA BB kind of structures, but the fact that we didn't rely on this when making our poems made the poems very enjoyable to create. My personal favourite is the Cubist poem, as I had the most fun making it :)

I didn't really like poetry before this class, or rather I liked poetry yet thought creating it was far beyond me. At the beginning, I was really confused on how to approach everything, so I thought I'd try and base my poems of a single subject, and compare the different styles of poetry and how it affects the descriptions of that object (the bread!). In the end, by doing this I ended up looking forward to writing my poems each week, since the topic I selected was something I thought would be really fun to write about.

Given what you have learned about the last 100 or so years in the visual and literary arts, what would you say the role of the artist is in society today?

I think what most people tend to think, is that artists are merely for aesthetic purposes, and aren't actually contributing to the well being of society. However, I think artists actually do a lot more than that. They add colour to each and every thing, so even just walking down the street can be an enjoyable experience. All the forms of entertainment are art, and that's what makes our world much more fun.

In terms of visual and literary arts, while I think its aesthetic purposes are prominent in today's society, I think the same kind of idea still applies; an artist's job is to bring life to society. Without visual arts, everything would be very boring, and no one would enjoy seeing the same shapes and colors everywhere they went. Without literary arts, good stories and films that people grow up with would also not exist. All forms of art are connected, and when they're all combined it forms something completely different. To put this into simple words, an artist's job is to be creative, and make the world much less boring I think.

Though I say this, I also believe that at the same time the role of artist's can be anything they want it to be. Depending on each individual, they might have different ideas and solutions to different problems one wouldn't even have imagined, and that's how the future goes on. If everyone limited their ideas to one constricted thought, nothing would ever improve, and the world will constantly be at a standstill.


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