Assignment 3

To me, I think that meaning is only important in poetry if that is the main focus of the poet. This is because the poem is whatever both the poet and the audience wants it to be. If the audience desires meaning where there is none, it is possible for them to create their own meaning. I believe the same principle applies for the visual arts, as the art piece is meant to be enjoyed, and when studied various meanings may come out. Understanding the meaning of art shouldn't be a difficult  thing to do, as the meaning of art is for it to be enjoyed by the people who encounter it. Depending on the piece, the deeper meaning/ message may or may not be important, but as far as trying "too hard" to understand meaning, I think that is when the individual finds themselves so involved in understanding the meaning that they don't appreciate/ enjoy the piece any longer.

Personally, I like my illustrations to have some form of meaning in them, as I enjoy drawing and creating it more than if I had just drawn a piece that was made to just look nice. Even so, drawings without thinking too much about it can be very relaxing for me as well.


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